Hello all,
This blog might sound a little different this week, as Jonathan has passed over the Blog to me, Emma. Now, Blog fans might think that the name Emma sounds familiar, and you’ll be right as I am Jonathan’s little sister. Yes, I am that person who he locked in a cupboard and I am also the person whom he made write an apology too.
However, I've also had my chances to become the annoying little sister, just one example is that I was running an illegal tea shop from my parents’ home, with only one very regular customer, and yes that was Jonathan. You see what Jonathan would not admit to you all is, that when he was younger, he used to go out most Saturday nights clubbing in Ashby, so the next day he always took to his usual spot on a Sunday morning on the sofa in the lounge hungover. This is where I came in, because on those Sundays, he always asked me to make him a cup of tea and I would name a price which usually would increase every week. I had to add inflation, as he was my only customer. I think one week, I managed to get £10 out of Jonathan, just for one cup of tea!
Despite both of us finding the next best way to annoy each other, I would just to take this time to say that I am very proud of calling him my brother, and I would like to thank him for being amazing and looking out for me. He might have known 6 years without me, but all my life has been spent looking up to Jonathan.
To the blog at hand, the reason why I am guest writing this week and not Jonathan is because after Kiera and Claudiu's wedding, both Jonathan and Rachel took pictures at my very good friends 1st year wedding anniversary party two weeks ago. So, it made sense for me to write this blog.
I have known Beth and Jean since school and had the pleasure of watching their relationship blossom from being best friends to now being husband and wife. I have seen both in relationships with other people and they did not look right, but I always knew that there was always something there between Beth and Jean.
Beth is so lovely, bubbly and very outgoing, she is one of the very few people who can actually drag me out clubbing, and anyone who knows me knows that I am that person who just wants to stay at home on the sofa. This is probably the reason why I have a lot of happy and amazing memories with her.
Jean on the other hand is very kind and funny, every single time I see him he can never fail to make me laugh, but also at the same time makes sure that I am ok. I also often wind him up as I am famous for being late, and he always without fail tells me off (sorry).
Their wedding took place during COVID, and unfortunately due to the number of guests that they were legally limited to, I was unable to attend like a lot of other people. As much as I was upset that I could only watch the wedding on Teams, I couldn’t be too upset with them (stupid COVID). However, they were kind enough to have the 1st year anniversary party so everyone could celebrate with them.
They kicked the party off by making a big entrance (late might I add) and went straight into their first dance, where Beth was in her evening dress from her wedding and Jean was in his suit. They both looked stunning and I had a lump in my throat whilst I was watching them.

Then it was food time, where they put on an impressive spread, which was then followed by cutting of the cake and a speech that Jean was not expecting to make. They also brought their gorgeous dog to make an appearance and I am pretty sure if they could of they would of brought their cat with them too.
After all of this, the dancing and drinking finally could commence as well catching up with family and friends. Needless to say I think that there were a few sore heads the next day.
I would just like to say thank you to both Beth and Jean for inviting me and being such good friends to me. Day by day I miss them incredibly as they both live in Norfolk due to Jean’s work. However, when I see them I appreciate the time a lot more.
I think I have rambled on too much now, and Jonathan will be back next week.
There is only one way Jean would want me to finish this blog.
Can I get a hoooooooooooooooooyyyyeeeeeeaaahhhh!
And as always Peace, Love and Photos.
Emma X