Blimey, isn't this a turn-up for the books, 2 blogs in 2 days?!
And for good reason, I'll have you know!
Some of you may have seen on Facebook that I've recently been nominated for The Wedding Industry Awards.
Well, after a little bit of deliberation, and some head scratching, I've decided since I've had the pleasure of working with so many incredible couples this year, so, there's no time like the present, and we're gonna go all in and enter.
Now, we have very limited time to make sure our entry counts, so I'm going to be spending countless hours this week plugging away at my application, as we only have until the 10th of October 2022 to collate entries from the couples we've worked with.
This is the bit where I need your help!!
If I attended your wedding or civil partnership between 30.11.21 and 10.10.22 it would mean the absolute world to me if I could count on your vote.
Now I know we all hate admin (me especially), and I know asking anyone to fill out a boring form on the internet is a huge BORE, but before you close the page and go back to scrolling through Tik Tok, allow me to give you my xfactor-style sob story....
We've all got hopes and dreams, and for a long time, even just working for myself was part of that dream. Even now, It honestly baffles me that I can go to work absolutely loving what I do for a living because photographing a wedding has never seemed like a chore to me in the slightest. It's the best thing in the world.
Attending a wedding, for me is a HUGE privilege. I get to probably spend more time with the couples I work with than any other guest at a wedding, and I'm incredibly honoured to be such a big part of those days.
I've met so many incredible couples and made so many new friends through weddings. I always harp on about how my Christmas card list is CONSTANTLY growing with lots of new couples, but honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way.
That's not to say, it's been all plain sailing because as with any job, you sometimes do have a bad day at work. Things can and do go wrong occasionally, but I can hand on heart say, every single wedding I've attended, I've put my heart and soul into every single one to make sure I've given it my absolute all.
I've always been my own worse critic, but I would like to think, that when you book me to attend your wedding, you're doing it because it's my name above the door, and you can see how hard I work.
I don't just run a business, I'm the cleaner, the marketing department, the accountant, the administrator, the manager, the cook and the HR department all rolled into one, and I love it.
Rachel will be the first person to tell you, I never switch off, and if my phone rings at 1:30 am in the morning with a couple looking to book me, or to reply back to a bride stressing out over their big day (Even if it's not photography related, might I add!!). I take the call because it's what I love.
I've made no secret about my battles with mental health, and believe me, getting to share someone else's happiness, being able to make people laugh and seeing people's faces light up with emotion when they see their finished photos is better than any anti-depressant.

So there's my sob story.
If you've made it this far, frankly you deserve an award just for that.
(Jeez. can you imagine what my acceptance speech will be like if I actually make it through?!)
So, if I made a difference to your wedding day if you can pop over to the link below and just take 5 mins to tell them how awesome I've been (😉) I'll be your best friend forever!
***P.S - I know there are a number of you that have actually already nominated me (thank you so much by the way!!) If I could ask you to complete the form too, as the nominations don't count towards votes!***
Peace, Love and Photos!
Jono xx