Ok, so the nerves are beginning to set in now, as tomorrow, myself and Rachel will be heading to the wedding industry awards! My suit is out, my shirt is ironed, and I'm hugely excited to be rubbing shoulders with some of the region's best wedding suppliers!
We probably won't win anything, but hey, it'll have been a fantastic experience, and something we'll without a doubt be entering next year!
But onto the real topic of today's blog....
As the cost of living continues to rise, it's safe to say we're all feeling the pinch.

Especially when planning a wedding, it can be very easy to let the cost run away with you. I've lost track of how many couples have told me they wanted a small, intimate wedding, but then have ended up feeling obliged to ask plus ones, long-lost cousins and in some cases, people they've never even met, and their kids too!
It's your number of guests in attendance that can really bump up the cost of your wedding. A quick google search says that the average price of catering alone works out to £65 per head for a day guest, and that's before you've budgeted for the evening reception catering, welcome drinks, favours and everything else that comes hand in hand with entertaining your guests during your big day.
So how do I keep my guest list within reason?
Firstly, remember you don't HAVE to feel pressured into including plus ones, kids and ten generations from your family tree. This is your wedding day, and as I always profess, ultimately, it's about celebrating your love, and the important people being there to witness it.
Is inviting Katie from works' new tinder match as a plus one going to benefit your day? Probably not. Will it upset Katie? Not if Katie understands, it won't, and it shouldn't. Let's picture that £65 a head figure I mentioned earlier, what could you spend that £65 on that would actually enhance your wedding? That could be a better ring, some sort of entertainment you really wanted, or even money towards your honeymoon. It soon mounts up.
But how do I tell someone politely they can't come?
Let's start by saying, be tactful. Turning around to that person and saying, you're not coming because you're not important enough is going to go down like a lead balloon, it's drama you don't need or want. It's ok to be economical with the truth, saying things like "We've had to streamline numbers as the venue are only allowing us a set amount of guests" or "We're really just keeping things to close friends and family" is a much nicer way of phrasing it. Chances are, it's either you or your parents footing the bill, and weddings are expensive.
Equally, if there are guests with children that you don't want to attend, say something like "We wanted you to come, and have the day off, so you could really let your hair down" rather than, "Little Sebastian is a pain in the arse, and we don't want him winging throughout the whole ceremony". You can stand your ground without being harsh about it.
Definitely don't put it off either, and get the conversation out of the way nice and early so it's not something else playing on your mind.
It's a sensitive situation, but when it comes to your wedding day, the last thing you want is to look back and regret being pushed into a corner because of making someone else happy.
As always, if you're struggling with wedding planning, I'm always happy to help wherever I can. I've worked in the industry for 10 years now, so I've seen it all when it comes to wedding day dramas. My inbox is always open!
And that, for this week is a wrap.
Wish us luck for tomorrow!!
Jono x