It's often been said in my blogs that I do manage to end up in some strange situations, and this week has been no different.
As regular readers and viewers of my social media and blogs will know, I often do some work here and there for the guys over at Motor Film, which leads us to some strange places, to begin with, without even taking photography into account! (We're actually working in partnership with them to host our very own festival - but more on that at a later date!)
If you didn't know already, Motorfilm is a really exciting business that deals with the hire of vehicles for the film and TV industry, and we've been lucky enough to go to set and witness the going on's behind the scenes of some really high profile productions.
Well on Wednesday evening, we received a call asking us to attend an exclusive location to get some promotional images of a Milk Float that was booked out on set first thing on Thursday morning.
So from there, it was a race to clear the memory cards, charge the batteries and get ourselves ready for what would prove to be a very rainy day out on set.
Whilst I can't go into too much detail about the particulars of the production, I can give you lots of information on the milk float itself!
I can also tell you, that in a weird turn of events, I've since learned that white fabric conditioner is used as imitation milk to fill the empty milk bottles on set! Now there's a fact you didn't think you'd be learning today!

Whilst I'm sure everyone can remember the clinking of Milk bottles from their childhood, this special little milk float in question is absolutely fascinating and was first registered in August of 1991. What's even more interesting is that this particular machine was working locally, from the Richard 111 dairies at Kirby and West Leicester.
I got the opportunity to be a passenger briefly, and it really does zip along! The owner told me, it has a top speed of just 12 miles an hour. If it went any quicker, I can only imagine the milk would end up being delivered as butter.... or just stay as fabric conditioner in this case.

It's honestly got its own charm, personality, and naturally being a milk float, it runs on electricity. So, in essence, it's the original Tesla! You genuinely can't help looking at it and smiling when you see it trundling along the road.
Got some more exciting news to hopefully reveal next week! So, make sure you keep an eye out for next week!
Peace, Love, and Photos!
Jono x