Good evening! As some of you may, or may not have noticed, a brand new page has appeared on the website this week in relation to some charity work we're doing. We were live on air on BBC Radio Leicester on Thursday of this week discussing our plans to take some photos of iconic places around Leicestershire, and we're looking for suggestions! Once we've collated all your ideas, we'll be going out to take some photos ready to prepare a range of merchandise depicting Leicestershire's leading attractions to print on mugs, T-Shirts, Canvases, etc! All profits from these prints will be given directly to local charities to help benefit those who have suffered most through the Covid-19 lockdowns! We know how hard it is for everyone at the moment, and there are so many people who have lost their jobs and are struggling to put food on the table, that's why we want to help. In between being busy this week with charity work, we've also been inundated with wedding inquiries, with lots of brides making plans for the coming year and next. This is really encouraging, as it means lots of people aren't letting the pandemic get in the way of planning their special day. We're in regular contact with all our bookings to make sure we can still provide amazing photos whilst adhering to government guidelines, or by moving dates around. We've also seen an increase in inquiries from models who are looking to arrange photoshoots, ready to hit the ground running once the pandemic ends. In the meantime, stay safe, and we'll be back next Sunday with another blog post to keep you informed about all the going on's at Jonathan David HQ! Jono x