A little while back, I asked those of you who had booked me for your wedding over the last year to vote for me in The Wedding Industry awards 2023.
Many of you took the time out of your day to do just that and although I can't see exactly what you
all wrote till the end of the process, it must have been good as I received some news that completely knocked me for six!
Now, I'll admit, I was having a bit of a bad day at the time, I've been battling a horrific cough all week, my car has decided it would quite like to be broken and my PC hasn't been playing ball either, so at the time, I was lay on the sofa sulking.
So back to the news...
As I was scrolling through Facebook, I noticed that The Wedding Industry Awards had posted to announce the regional finalists, so I jumped on their website, checked my region, and I couldn't quite believe it when I saw the following...

We've only gone and made it to the regional finals!!!
I'm absolutely over the moon, as to be honest, It was very much a spur-of-the-moment decision to enter. I never imagined I'd get past even the first round of judging, so finding out I'd made it to the regional finals just took me completely by surprise.
"So, what next?"
As I understand, all the finalists will be subject to another round of judging between now and the 14th of November, at which point they'll be an awards evening for all the regional finalists, and you better believe we've already booked our tickets!!
I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am to every single person that's taken the time to nominate me, vote for me and hire me as their photographer over the last year. It's been a crazy busy year and I'm honestly so so thankful.
Both myself and Rachel, have had the honour of meeting some fantastic couples. We've shared some of the most magical moments imaginable with you all, and it's not something we'll ever get bored of in the slightest.
Do you think you'll win?
Honestly, I have no idea! I'd love to win, and you've got to be in it to win it right? I'm still over the moon that I've made it this far, and more than anything else, we're going to go to the awards evening
and enjoy ourselves.
Being a regional finalist, in what I'm told is the toughest and most entered category across the entire process is no mean feat in itself, so I'm exceptionally proud of myself for managing that! We're going to wear our regional finalist badge with the utmost pride either way, but you never know eh?
But for now, we're going to leave it at that!
Peace, Love and Photos.
Jono x